Frequently Asked Questions

EF is your travel supplier, and the traveler is the Primary Insured.

Academic HealthPlans, Inc. (AHP), a Risk Strategies company is the third-party program manager and licensed agent(s) who can speak about the Plan Document and its coverages and benefits.

Broadspire is the claims administrator who reviews and adjudicates claims.


Click an option below to jump to the applicable topic:

Your Plan  –  Canceling Your Tour  –  On the Road  –  Contact Information


Your Plan

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Travelers cannot receive a refund of the travel protection plan after the free-look period.

Visit and click the tile for your EF Tour line. In the Program Resources dropdown menus, choose the State you purchased coverage, and the Enrollment Period date-range to view the plan document and brochure.

Please review the documents available at If you have any additional questions after reading the coverage and benefit information, please contact Risk Strategies via email at [email protected] and they will be happy to address your coverage and benefits questions.

Academic HealthPlans, a Risk Strategies Company (RS/AHP) is the third-party program manager for the travel protection plans offered by EF. It is not within RS/AHP authority to make benefit exceptions or to process plan cost refunds based on special or unique circumstances that are not allowed by the plan.

Please note: it is not necessary for you to speak to RS/AHP prior to cancelling your tour or filing a claim, unless you have questions after reviewing your plan’s coverage details.

Due to the nature of the information being shared and to provide you with a searchable reference, email is the most efficient means of communication. Please email RS/AHP at [email protected] and include the traveler’s name, date of birth, and include your questions and/or a description of your circumstances so agents can better assist you.

Canceling Your Tour

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Please call EF Tours directly to cancel your tour. If you are unable to reach a representative you may use the call-back option, or the chat function on the EF Tours website.

Yes. Please contact EF to cancel your trip before filing a claim. If you file a cancellation claim without cancelling your trip, it will be denied as there will be no loss on file in which to pay.

First, contact EF Tours to review your options for rescheduling or obtaining a voucher for future travel, or to formally cancel your spot on the tour. EF will review what is refundable based on the Booking Conditions of your tour. The remaining unrefunded amount is what you may file a claim to recoup. You do not need to contact Risk Strategies before canceling your tour. Do not file a claim until you have formally canceled your tour.

*Do not contact Risk Strategies to cancel your tour, amend your coverage dates, or make changes to your trip itinerary.

On The Road

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For a medical emergency during your trip (24 hours) please call Falck Global Assistance (toll free from the U.S.) or 844-218-0622 (toll free from abroad); collect calls can also be made to 321-635-2184. They can coordinate medical care with a provider and should be the first contact.

For non-medical emergencies or urgent situations while on tour, please contact EF Tours directly.

Please visit to use the Online Claim Filing Portal, as well as obtain claim forms for Trip Cancellation, Trip Delay, Trip Interruption, Baggage Loss/Delay, Medical Expenses and more.


After your claim is filed

Once you have submitted a claim, Broadspire is the claims administrator and will be your contact for claim status questions or issues. If you filed your claim using the online portal, please log-in to your account to review the status of your claim. You may also contact Broadspire at 877-314-1193 or by email at [email protected]. Do not contact Risk Strategies for claim status.

Information about how to file an appeal is included with your denied claim determination. You must use this process if you wish to dispute the final decision. Neither EF nor RS/AHP can overturn a claim finding.


Contact Information

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Program Manager (Plan and coverage questions)
Risk Strategies/Academic HealthPlans
Travel Insurance Division
8:30am – 5pm Central Time | Monday – Friday
[email protected]
877-974-7462, ext. 321


Claims Administrator (Claim status questions)
Email claims to: [email protected]
or Fax 855-830-3728
or mail, allow 7-10 days for delivery:

Claim Benefit Services
PO Box 459084
Sunrise, FL 33345

For Claim Status:
Phone 877-314-1193


Travel Supplier (Itinerary changes, Cancellation, and Booking Conditions questions)
EF Tours
2 Education Circle
Cambridge, MA 02141

  • Educational Tours800-665-5364
  • Explore America888-333-9756
  • Gap Year800-726-9746
  • Go Ahead Tours800-590-1161
  • Study Abroad877-485-4184
  • Ultimate Break800-766-2645
  • Adventures617-619-1825



Disclaimer: This advertisement contains highlights of the plans developed by Academic HealthPlans, a Risk Strategies Company, which include travel insurance coverages underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company, Principal Office located in Morristown, New Jersey, under form series T7000 et al, T210 et al and TP-401 et al, and non-insurance Travel Assistance Services provided by Falck Global Assistance. The terms of insurance coverages in the plans may vary by jurisdiction and not all insurance coverages are available in all jurisdictions. Insurance coverages in these plans are subject to terms, limitations and exclusions including an exclusion for pre-existing medical conditions. In most states, your travel retailer is not a licensed insurance producer/agent, and is not qualified or authorized to answer technical questions about the terms, benefits, exclusions and conditions of the insurance offered or to evaluate the adequacy of your existing insurance coverage. Your travel retailer may be compensated for the purchase of a plan and may provide general information about the plans offered, including a description of the coverage and price. The purchase of travel insurance is not required in order to purchase any other product or service from your travel retailer. CA DOI toll free number is 800-927-4357. The cost of your plan is for the entire plan, which consists of both insurance and non-insurance components. Individuals looking to obtain additional information regarding the features and pricing of each travel plan component, please contact Academic HealthPlans at [email protected]; 877-974-7462 ext. 321; 16201 W. 95th Street, Lenexa, KS 66219; and California License Number – 0F06675. While Academic HealthPlans markets the travel insurance in these plans on behalf of USF, non-insurance components of the plans were added to the plans by EF Tours, and EF Tours does not receive compensation from USF for providing the non-insurance components of the plans.